Design Resource center

Welcome to FARRAR’s Design Resource Center, your source for solution drawings. FARRAR™ provides consulting engineers, contractors and application designers access to helpful resources and files including AutoCAD®, Step, and Revit® files. These resources and files are available for download and can be included for planning of the application space for reach-in and walk-in solutions.

Laboratory Equipment

FARRAR® offers a wide range of cold storage equipment in various configurations for laboratory applications to meet your product and process needs.

Our Lab Grade Refrigerator (+4°C), Lab Grade Freezer (-30°C), and FARRAR Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) Freezer (-86°C) are proven and performance-demonstrated cold storage solutions that enable FARRAR to support a wide range of temperatures and applications, including biopharmaceutical and academic research, drug discovery, manufacturing, logistics applications, and more.

FARRAR offers design files for your convenience in specifying upcoming projects.

Lab Grade Upright & Undercounter Refrigerator (+4°C)

FLR105 Undercounter Refrigerator
Data Sheet
Revit File
FLR120 Upright Refrigerator
Data Sheet
Revit File
FLR125 Upright Refrigerator
Data Sheet
Revit File
FLR245 Upright Refrigerator
Data Sheet
Revit File
Upright and Undercounter Lab Refrigerators

Lab Grade Upright & Undercounter Freezer (-30°C)

FLF105 Undercounter Freezer
Data Sheet
Revit File
FLF120 Upright Freezer
Data Sheet
Revit File
FLF125 Upright Freezer
Data Sheet
Revit File
Upright and Undercounter Lab Freezers

FARRAR Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) Freezer (-86°C)

FUF126 Ultra-Low Freezer
Data Sheet
Revit File
Ultra-Low Freezers

FARRAR offers design files for your convenience in specifying upcoming projects. To download, please complete and submita brief form.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out for a quick consultation. Let FARRAR assist you in identifying the solution thatis right for your refrigeration application.

REACH-IN: Freeze/thaw
4000 Series Controlled Rate Freeze/Thaw Chambers

The 4000 Series Controlled Rate Chambers (+40°C to -80°C) offer uniformity and repeatability in rapid, controlled freezing and thawing applications. Unique forced-air convection cooling greatly reduces +0°C to -80°C freeze/thaw times from up to days or weeks to hours, enabling you to increase yield.

Model 4000-LC

Rate Chamber 4000-LC: An advanced and versatile product portrayed in the image. It proudly displays its CE certification and UKCA certification, indicating its conformity with European and UK safety regulations.

Model 4000

Rate Chamber 4000: A top-performing product showcased in the image. It is certified with the CE mark, assuring its compliance with European safety standards.

FARRAR offers design files for your convenience in specifying upcoming projects. To download, please complete and submit a brief form.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out for a quick consultation. Let FARRAR assist you in identifying the solution thatis right for your refrigeration application.

Reach-In: ultra-low temp
Ultra-Low Chamber Series (ULC-190, 259, 328)

FARRAR’s Ultra-Low Chamber (ULC) Series including the ULC-190, ULC-259, and ULC-328 are the only +2°C to +8°C and -20°C to -80°C, forced air, ultra-low-temperature freezers on the market with air and water-cooled options.

ULC 190: An energy-efficient and environmentally friendly product. This image showcases its Energy Star, CE (Conformité Européene) certification, and UKCA (UK Conformity Assessment) certification, ensuring its high quality and compliance with standards.


ULC 259: A reliable and trusted product displayed in the image. It proudly presents its CE certification and UKCA certification, signifying its adherence to European and UK safety and quality regulations.


ULC 311: A cutting-edge product designed to meet industry standards. The accompanying image highlights its CE certification and UKCA certification, indicating its compliance with European and UK requirements for safety and performance.


FARRAR offers design files for your convenience in specifying upcoming projects. To download, please complete and submita brief form.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out for a quick consultation. Let FARRAR assist you in identifying the solution thatis right for your refrigeration application.


Walk-in cold room solutions are highly configurable and custom to individual project needs. Reach out to our engineering team for information or support.

Stability Rooms
| +13°C to +40°C
Finished Goods Storage
| +1°C to +12°C, with a +5°C=set point
Bulk Product Unfinished Goods
| -20°C
Frozen Blood/Blood Product Storage
| -30°C to -40°C
Vaccine and Drug Substance Storage
| -50°C to -80°C

CSI Specification: Coming Soon!

Engineered Walk In Cold Room